mardi 2 novembre 2010

Statistiques mensuelles : Octobre 2010 - Flag Counter

Statistiques mensuelles : Octobre 2010 - Flag Counter

New Unique Visitors :
30 day average :  11 (+1)
Record: on April 9, 2010 :  18
Record: on August 29, 2010 :  18
Record: on September 23, 2010 :  22
Record: on October 06, 2010 :  23

Total unique visitors : 2 722  (+ 375)

Flag Counter Views :
30 day average :  23 (+5)
Record: on April 12, 2010 :  96
Record: on August 27, 2010 :  122
This Flag Counter has been viewed :  7 209   (+ 560)

Different countries have visited this site : 66 (+1)
  • Burkina Fasso

Tableau des visites de Octobre 2010
Date New Visitors Flag Counter Views New FR Visitors New CA Visitors New US Visitors New BE Visitors New CH Visitors New TN Visitors
October 31, 2010 5 9 7 1 1
October 30, 2010 5 8 7 1
October 29, 2010 5 7 6 1
October 28, 2010 9 14 10 1
October 27, 2010 13 24 15 1
October 26, 2010 6 10 7 1
October 25, 2010 10 15 11 1
October 24, 2010 11 23 12 1
October 23, 2010 7 61 8 1
October 22, 2010 6 13 12 1 2
October 21, 2010 8 32 14 2 2 1
October 20, 2010 29 14
October 19, 2010 16 11 10 1 1 1 1
October 18, 2010 8 9 7
October 17, 2010 7 11 8
October 16, 2010 7 33 12 1 1
October 15, 2010 10 17 10
October 14, 2010 6 9 5 1
October 13, 2010 51 18
October 12, 2010 17 34 13 4 1 1
October 11, 2010 15 45 21 1
October 10, 2010 16 43 18 1
October 9, 2010 7 24 10 1
October 8, 2010 8 16 10 1
October 7, 2010 24 23 15 1 2 1 3
October 6, 2010 29 23
October 5, 2010 10 29 23 1 1
October 4, 2010 13 27 14
October 3, 2010 15 40 16 1 1 2
October 2, 2010 4 33 16 1
October 1, 2010 12 12 8 1 1
Total 280 741 380 11 13 16 4 7
Date New Visitors Flag Counter Views New FR Visitors New CA Visitors New US Visitors New BE Visitors New CH Visitors New TN Visitors

Progression mensuelle :

Année 2010
Mois New Visitors Flag Counter Views
Mars 150 381
Avril 243 712
Mai 209 413
Juin 187 390
Juillet 209 396
Août 281 878
Septembre 319 631
Octobre 280 741
Total 1878 4542

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